Play as Sho:
Only works if Gaia code has been entered. Play as
Gaia and lose to computer. Do not continue; just let the time run out. When the
title screen appears and as the options come together, press R, L, R, L, and S
on Controller 2. Again you will hear "Fight!"
At Player Select screen, put
cursor on Kayin, press and hold D, and press S.
Secret Normal Moves:
First, enter the Sho and Gaia codes. Next,
wait for the demo and press START. As soon as the title screen comes up press
Down+Left+X. After you hear a voice shout "Fantastic!" go to the Option menu.
Change the shoulder button controls to your special moves. Now, start a game. At
any point during the fight press R1+R2+L1+L2+select to use your characters
secret normal move.
Desperation moves on command:
First set controls to 'easy' or 'very
easy,' then activate Special Moves. When life reads red, press R1+R2+Down
Infinite Health P1 801bc1880000 Infinite Time 801ca6e80b3a Select Gaia 801bc11a0008 Select Sho 801bc11a0009
Thanks to Revolution readers Matt Neville and Evin Callahan!