Get to the bosses:
In order to skip all of the normal characters
and go straight to the sub bosses you must: First, cripple your first opponent
so that he/she CAN NOT walk. Then run to the manhole that you would normally
jump down after defeating the last normal opponent. By doing this you should be
able to skip through about 3 or 4 fights.
Secret Endings:
To get the Second Endings for Bushido Blade you
have to do 3 things.
Enable Katze In VS Mode 800a10040001
Enable All Endings 800a10d4ffff 800a10d8ffff Automatic Win 8013d6360001 8013d5240005 Hold L2 Heart Attack Button d013d1d80001 8013d5240005
Thanks to Revolution readers Aaron Chambers, Matt Woolvett, Blades 6969, and
Mike McCaughan!